The issues I am running on
These are the issues at the forefront of our focus. The common theme here is preserving. Preserving all values that are important for life and family.
Preservation of Life
Preservation of life starts with gun control and health care. We are the most industrialized and civilized countries with lax laws on gun control. Because of these weak regulations, we have so many mass shootings in the US and the most among the industrialized countries. These lax laws are a reflection of disrespect of the sanctity of life. Health care, look at your pay check and see the percentage of money is taken away for your Medicare. Then imagine when you retire they dictate on you how much coverage you get and actually are willing to endanger your life even though it is your money it’s not a hand out. We all hear and read how they want to take away coverage from those who have pre-existing conditions. Our elders need healthcare mostly when they retire, but the system endangers their lives by not giving head to toe coverage after they paid their dues to the system all their lives. Protecting the environment is an integral part of the preservation of life. Human health, our ecosystem, and future generations are dependent on it. Environmental protection also helps create a better living environment by minimizing natural disasters, droughts, and climate change.
Preservation of Religion
We believe there is no compulsion in religion. But the fanatics in the US who nationalized Christianity, claim that they are tired of the separation of Church and State. They want to impose Christianity as a way of life on everyone living in the US and have no respect for other religions or beliefs. This country was founded on religious freedom and the separation of religion from State.
Preservation of Education
Education in the US is becoming a privilege to the rich. Families have to take loans on their houses and use their 401 K to help their kids. Some young men decided that it is better for them just to work and skip college. A survey done in 2022 found 57% of male highschool graduates enrolled in college, compared to 66% of their female counterparts. When the government needs money for wars or supports someone else’s war, they find money right away. But when we ask to make education more affordable, we get called that we are lazy. Student loans are the second largest consumer debt in the United States, after mortgages. As of the first quarter of 2024, student loans totaled $1.752 trillion, while mortgage debt was $12.442 trillion. Student loans make up 9.83% of all household debt.
Preservation of Wealth
The inequality of wealth in this country is mind boggling. It is amazing the gap that we have between the rich, the middle class, and the poor. I am totally against hands out. I am totally against taking money from the rich and giving it to the poor so the poor do not have to work and exploit the system. I am for teaching the poor to fish and have them earn their money and work their way up. But I am absolutely against having the poor and the middle class paying a higher percentage in taxes than the rich. I am against having tax cuts by taking from the middle class and giving it to the rich and having our kids and grandkids pay for the deficits so the rich get richer. I am against the huge gap in salaries between the CEOs as well as high executives and the average employees. I am for equal pay for equal work. Women make less money than men even in the same job and a lot of times women would even be more qualified and yet still make less money. Where is justice and mercy in that? The distribution of wealth in this country has gotten upside down. Again, I refuse charity from others or handouts, I like to work hard for my money. I am for Compassionate Economics which is a trickle down economics vs trickle up economics which we have now.
Preservation of Honor
There are couples who work more than one job to make ends meet and cannot live an honorable life. I believe people who work full time deserve an honorable life because they dedicate a significant portion of their time and energy to contributing to the economy and society. Ensuring that full-time employees can lead honorable lives means providing them with opportunities for professional career growth, access to healthcare, and a fair share of the wealth they help generate. By valuing and respecting the contributions of full-time workers, we can build a more just, honorable, and equitable society where everyone has the chance to thrive. All minorities, marginalized communities, and women deserve to live an honorable life. Everyone regardless of their race, color, ethnicity, religion, background or identity, deserves to live a life of dignity and respect. Inclusivity, honorable life, equality, and justice are essential principles for a fair and harmonious society.